RTTY Subbands
The HF RTTY sub-band boundaries are not written in stone.
This is particularly true during RTTY contests. Below are approximations
of "normal" operating RTTY sub-bands.
10 meters - 28080 to 28100
kHz, during contests 28060-28150 kHz. (note PSK operation around
12 meters - 24910 to 24930 kHz with most activity around
21920 kHz.
15 meters - 21080 to 21100 kHz, during contests
21060-21150 kHz (note 200 watt output power limit for USA stations above 21100
kHz, PSK31 operations around 21070-21072 kHz).
17 meters - 18100
to 18110 kHz with occasionally operations below 18100 but above 18090 kHz.
Note: It is illegal for USA stations to operate RTTY above 18110
20 meters - 14080 to 14100 kHz, during contests 14060-14120
kHz (note MFSK16 operations around 14080-14082, PSK31 around 14070-14072
30 meters - 10120 to 10150 kHz, with most operation around
10140 kHz.
40 meters - 7025 to 7050 kHz and 7080 to 7100 kHz,
during contests 7025-7100 kHz.
80 meters - 3580 to 3600 kHz (JA
3520-3525 kHz), during contests 3570-3630 kHz.
160 meters - 1800
to 1820 kHz (RTTY is very rare on 160 meters).